Friday, July 6, 2007

Stepping Out

I'm the man.

This is not a rebel blog... no, wait. This is not a spinoff blog, this is the dumping site for my toxic brain pellets. The "not suitable for a family blog which is run under my wife's pseudonymous self"-type stuff which curdles the marrow of those whose marrow is ripe for curdling. Now you the discerning and (with any luck) non-existent reader can discover the deep thoughts and deep seated fears which make me tick, which define me as a person and which, of course, illustrate the fine and nuanced human being I have become. Like Lemmy, but without the beautiful voice.

Yeah, heavy stuff like: Why can't I find jeans with legs short enough, fucking jeans Nazis! Or: Why are they cutting down trees all the time? Fucking tree murdering Stasi! Or: My cat just shat in the beet patch! Fucking Khmer Rouge of the garden!

So sit back, close your eyes, and go to sleep.


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